Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Keeping Alive Romance and Security...
How can we turn our negative thoughts to positive ones before they affect our sense of worth and become a hurtful part or our self-image? By developing a grateful attitude. One of the most attractive qualities a person can have is a spirit of gratefulness.

Honoring Your Wife...

A woman misses very little about her environment, which is probably the basis for that mysterious gift some have called intuition--and another reason a man should honor and value his wife.

Honoring Your Husband...
Keep a mental list of little things your husband does that save you time and effort, and thank him for them as often as possible. When he feels he's meeting the "small" as well as the big needs of his family, his self-respect increases, and he will often begin to feel a deeper love for his appreciative wife.

5/25Learning to Communicate...
Other approaches to criticism: Be soft--you can often say the hardest thing to someone, and he or she will receive it if you say it gently. Ask questions--help people discover for themselves what you're trying to say. Use word pictures.

Honoring Your Wife...
Valuing his wife's differences, and even taking the time to be a student of her needs, does not diminish the husband's leadership or responsibility in the family.

Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Anger...
Anger is inevitable in a marriage. Couples who gain skills at "keeping their spirits open" to each other and at dealing with anger in a constructive way take giant strides toward intimacy.

Honoring God...
Ungratefulness can be traced to a failure to find benefits in everything we experience and an unwillingness to trust God to fulfill our deepest needs.

Keeping Alive Romance and Security...
Romance is the process of keeping your courtship alive long after the wedding day.

Honoring Your Wife...
Because a woman's sense of value is so closely tied to the relationships around her, she's often gifted in helping her husband be more sensitive to what's really important beyond the immediate goal.

Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Anger...
Even when crises come from external sources, we must be careful not to close the spirits of those around us. When we are under stress, we can react harshly to our mate and close his or her spirit.

Loving Actions creative ways to show your love and strengthen your marriage
Increasing Your Intimacy 100 Percent...
Many men don't realize it, but more than 80 percent of a woman's need for meaningful touch is nonsexual. Sex does not begin in the bedroom. It actually starts in the everyday acts of truthfulness, consistency, kindness, touching, and talking that build a growing desire in a woman.

Honoring Your Husband...
Your husband needs to be made aware--in creative, loving ways--how to meet your needs. Remember, you're in the process of sharing with him how to love you, and he's in the process of learning. If you're on the same train, don't expect him to get to the destination before you do.

Finding Treasures in Trials...
Disappointed expectations confront us all. How we handle those disappointments will have a powerful impact on the peace and stability of our lives.

Learning to Communicate...
Words have awesome power to build us up or tear us down emotionally. Many people can clearly remember words of praise their parents spoke years ago. Others can remember negative, cutting words--in extraordinary detail.

Honoring God...
Learning what your spouse needs and looking for creative ways to meet those needs unlocks the door of serving. Genuine fulfillment comes through knowing and loving God first, and then through serving others in response to His love.

Honoring Your Husband...
You can motivate your husband to love you by learning to be a courageous, persistent, and patient wife. As a completer and helper, you will need courage to help motive change, gentle persistence to make sure it continues, and patience to wait on the Lord when change is long in coming.

Honoring Your Wife...
When she's expressing frustration, a woman doesn't need her husband's mouth, but his shoulder and arms.- From "It Takes Two to Tango" by Gary and Norma Smalley

Honoring God...
We dishonor God when we live with an attitude of ungratefulness. We know we're ungrateful when we are: constantly comparing what we have with the possessions or positions (or marriages) of others; continually complaining about the way "life" is treating us; always fearful, trying to manipulate others; and so on.

Learning to Communicate...
Communicate humility. At times, some people act as if they know all the answers. It's important that we be willing to learn and grow.

ncreasing Your Intimacy 100 Percent...
Keeping your written relationship menu posted in a prominent household location provides a continual reminder of which values and rules you're working toward. It generally takes about 30 days to start a new habit. So if you're regularly working on attaining your goals, it will only take a month before you notice significant changes in your relationship.

Increasing Your Intimacy 100 Percent...
One important way to build intimacy is to give frequent praise. The simplest way to make your spouse feel good is to say, "Well done!"

Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Anger...
Are you still hesitating to knock down old walls of anger and put in a doorway of tenderness to your home--a door that opens to energizing words, gentle touching, and courageous forgiving?

Finding Treasures in Trials...
Life's game plan includes some changes you can anticipate and plan on. But it will also be filled with sneaky speed bumps, strange detours, frustrating dead ends, sudden lane changes, and unscheduled exits. If you anticipate both the major "expected" changes as well as probable unexpected changes, you'll stand a better chance of reaching your destination...together.