Monday, September 23, 2002

The deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy
you can absorb.
Jan Coleman

I am one of those who believe that spiritual
progress is a rule of human life, but the approach
to perfection is slow and painful. If a woman
elevates herself in one respect and is retarded in
another, it is because the rough trail that leads
to the mountain peak is not free of ambushes of
thieves and lairs of wolves.
Kahlil Gibran

I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier.

Believe that you are bigger than your difficulties,
for you are, indeed.
Norman Vincent Peale

I don't have an attitude problem. You have a
perception problem.

The doctor and the pastor ask about your health,
but eternity makes you responsible for your
Soren Kierkegaard
It is no use saying "we are doing our best." You
have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
Winston Churchill
What is the use of living if it be not to strive for
noble causes and to make this muddled world a better
place for those who will live in it after we are gone.
Winston Churchill
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.

One nice thing about egotists; they don't talk
about other people.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "good doggie" while
looking for a bigger stick.

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves,
and sharpens our skills. Our antagonist is our
Edmund Burke

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
to serve as a warning to others.

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

Don't be irreplaceable; if you can't be replaced,
you can't be promoted.

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can't live
long enough to make them all yourself.

You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different
from something that happens to you: You produce it.
You live it.
Bruce Mau

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small
people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you,
too, can become great.

Mark Twain
(1835-1910, American Humorist, Writer

In the long run, in spite of everything, I have been
very lucky. I asked for bread and was given a stone.
It turned out to be precious.
Quentin Crisp

Quote: To have someone understand why we cry or laugh, why we feel downcast for no apparent reason, is to have a friend. A friend accepts our changes of mood without telling us to snap out of it. They know if we could so easily handle tears we would have done it already. All our loneliness and worry and fear seems to fade in the presence of a friend who never judges but stands alongside with loyalty... It gives us what we need to be a friend as well.

Joyce Sequichie Hifler

" People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." - Elizabeth Kubler-Ross


All our loneliness and worry and fear seems to fade in
the presence of a friend who never judges but stands
alongside with loyalty... It gives us what we need to
be a friend as well.
Joyce Sequichie Hifler


"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."
- Thomas Jefferson

"The price of greatness is responsibility."
- Winston Churchill

"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."
- Abraham Lincoln


pain allows us 2 appreciate grace wid depth. hapiness allows us 2 learn how 2 celebrate n d gudnes of god. we nd both 2 nurture a faith not boneles but viagrous-david anota

debate where? maintain d tension bet sovereignty n human responsibility. dat s a mystery but affirm both bec both r true.-david anota


Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.


Insanity is my only means of relaxation.


Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox:what is soft is strong.
Lao Tsu

Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and
the trees only so long as its surface is
undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true
image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly
Indra Devi

If we could read the secret history of our enemies,
we should find in each man's life sorrow and
suffering enough to disarm any hostility.
H.W. Longfellow

Resolve to find thyself; and to know that he who
finds himself, loses his misery.
Matthew Arnold

"Don't pray to escape trouble. Don't pray to be
comfortable in your emotions. Pray to do the will
of God in every situation. Nothing else is worth
praying for." - Samuel M. Shoemaker

"I have found the greatest power in the world is
the power of prayer." - Cecil B. DeMille


"The sun with all its planets moving around it, can ripen the
smallest bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else to do. Why
then should I doubt His power?" -- Galileo, Italian Astronomer


"Pray like it depends entirely upon God and work like it depends
entirely upon you." -- Unknown

"Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run
faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning
a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or
it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion
or a gazelle -- when the sun comes up, you had better be running.
-- Unknown


"Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened."
-- Unknown


"We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are
pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are
different colors... but, they all exist very nicely in the same
box." -- Unknown


"A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a
detour." -- Unknown


"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine
upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his
countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." -- Numbers 6:24-26


"And what, incidentally, do you think integrity is? The ability
not to pick a watch out of your neighbor's pocket? No, it's not
as easy as that. If that were all, I'd say that 95% of humanity
were honest, upright men. Only, as you can see, they aren't.
Integrity is the ability to stand by an idea."
-- Ayn Rand "The Fountainhead" (1943)


"It is more difficult to be an honorable man for a week than to
be a hero for fifteen minutes." -- Jules Renard


"What is left when honor is lost?" -- Publilius Syrus


"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge
without integrity is dangerous and dreadful." -- Samuel Johnson


"If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your
tears will prevent you from seeing the stars."
-- Rabindranath Tagore
"If the Creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, He surely meant us to stick it out." -- be strong n take not fear nor b dismayd.

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was an Irish writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925.

Quote: He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skills. Our antagonist is our helper.

Edmund Burke

Quote: To know and not do is not yet to know.

Zen saying.

Quote: Live passionately. Appreciate what you have. Get off the beaten path. Don't smell just the roses, smell everything you can and leave your mark along the way. Slobber as you please. As Socrates' dog once said, the unexuberant life is not worth living.

Rocky, Stephen Wilson's dog. Steve Wilson was an editor / columnist for the Arizona Republic. Rocky is the golden retriever who shares the family home.

Quote: A life directed chiefly toward the fulfillment of personal desires sooner or later always leads to bitter disappointment.

Albert Einstein

Self-awareness--recognizing a feeling as it happens--is the keystone of emotional intelligence... the ability to monitor feelings from moment to moment is crucial to psychological insight and understanding... People with greater certainty about their feelings are better pilots of their lives, having a surer sense of how they really feel about personal decisions...

Daniel Goleman is a psychologist who consults internationally and lectures frequently to business audiences, professional groups and on college campuses. He reported on the brain and behavioral sciences for The New York Times and has served as a visiting faculty member at Harvard.

Believe that you are bigger than your difficulties, for you are, indeed.

Norman Vincent Peale