Sunday, March 13, 2005

Avoiding the phrase 'I don’t have time...',
will soon help you to realize
that you do have the time needed
for just about anything
you choose to accomplish in life.
-- Bo Bennett --

Motivation is everything.
You can do the work of two people,
but you can't be two people.
Instead, you have to inspire
the next guy down the line
and get him to inspire his people.
-- Lee Iacocca --

Even though you may want
to move forward in your life,
you may have one foot on the brakes.
In order to be free,
you must learn how to let go.
Release the hurt. Release the fear.
Refuse to entertain your old pain.
The energy it takes to hang onto the past
is holding you back from a new life.
What is it you would let go of today?
-- Mary Manin Morrissey --

When you make a mistake,
don't look back at it long.
Take the reason of the thing into your mind
and then look forward.
Mistakes are lessons of wisdom.
The past cannot be changed.
The future is yet in your power.
-- Hugh White --

All your life you are told
the things you cannot do.
All your life they will say
you're not good enough
or strong enough or talented enough.
They will say you're the wrong height
or the wrong weight or the wrong type
to play this or be this or achieve this.
They will tell you no, a thousand times no,
until all the no's become meaningless.
All your life they will tell you no,
quite firmly and very quickly.
And you will tell them yes.
-- Nike Ad --